GoHighLevel Developer: A Complete Guide 

Rebecca M

GoHighLevel Developer

GoHighLevel gives developers different tools, like guides on how to use it, access to a marketplace for developers, a community for help, and direct help from the support team. These tools make it easier to GoHighLevel Developer on the platform.

Users must sign up for the GoHighLevel Unlimited Plan to make the most of these resources. This plan allows full access to the platform’s development tools, making it easy to customize and integrate with other systems.

A good developer doesn’t just write code; they make solutions that help achieve goals.  If you want to make your work easier, set up special connections, or make the most of GoHighLevel, this guide will give you helpful tips. Let’s explore how a GoHighLevel Developer can change your marketing plan.

GoHighLevel Developer Documentation


GoHighLevel offers developers robust API access, enabling seamless integration and compatibility with various software solutions. The platform provides two distinct versions of API documentation: API 1.0 and API 2.0. Each version has its resources and technical guidelines to assist developers in building efficient integrations.

API 1.0 Docs

API 1.0 Documentation is easy to navigate, helping developers find technical information. All platform assets are presented on the left, making it easy for users to choose one and see its documentation. This version clearly defines API rate restrictions, which prevent system overload. Developers using API 1.0 can make 100 burst requests per 10 seconds and 200,000 per day. This optimizes system performance and lets developers scale their integrations.

API 2.0 Docs

API 2.0 Documentation aids GoHighLevel’s latest API users. The redesigned technical wiki provides developers with thorough guidance. Like its predecessor, API 2.0 documentation lists assets on the left for easier access. Version 2.0 of the API allows 100 burst requests per 10 seconds and a daily cap of 200,000 requests. This consistency prevents developers from encountering unexpected limitations while switching versions. 

API 2.0 has improved functionality and tools, making it the best option for new applications and integrations. Developers can simplify integration with both API versions’ trustworthy and well-documented resources. GoHighLevel’s extensive and user-friendly documentation helps developers maximize the platform’s capabilities while sticking to rate constraints for efficient and smooth operation, whether using API 2.0 or the previous version.

GoHighLevel Developer Marketplace

GoHighLevel Developer Marketplace where developers can create and show their apps on the platform. This feature allows developers to add more functions to the platform, making it more useful for businesses and agencies that use GoHighLevel. By putting their apps in the marketplace, developers can connect with many agencies that want to improve their work, make things easier, and add new features.

Agencies that use GoHighLevel can easily find and buy apps from the marketplace and add them to their accounts. This flexibility lets agencies customize the platform to fit their specific business needs. The Developer Marketplace has many solutions to help businesses work better. Whether you need faster processes, better automation, or easier ways to connect with other tools, you can find what you need there.

Some apps you can find in the marketplace help improve how work is done, automate tasks, and connect with popular other platforms. These solutions help agencies automate dull tasks, make it easier to communicate with clients and connect different marketing and sales tools more easily. As the Developer Marketplace gets bigger, agencies will probably have more choices to personalize their experience with GoHighLevel.

GoHighLevel Developer Subscription Requirements

GoHighLevel only gives API access with its Unlimited plan, which costs $297 monthly. This plan is important for users who want to connect outside tools or create custom solutions because the lower plans do not offer API access.

If you are considering the Starter plan from GoHighLevel, remember that this plan does not provide access to the API. The Starter plan is cheaper and is designed for individuals or small businesses. It’s for those who mainly use the basic tools on the platform and don’t need custom features or complex functions.

If developers or businesses want to use an API to create their workflows or link other apps, they must choose the Unlimited plan. Even though it costs more, it provides important features for users who know much about technology and want more control over their CRM and marketing tools.

GoHighLevel Developer Support

GoHighLevel does not provide direct chat or email help for developers, which can be a downside for those who need quick support. When you go to the Developer Support area, you’ll see that the platform clearly says what it can’t do. It doesn’t offer help with setting things up, checking your code, or giving advice to developers. 

Not having direct help can be tough for developers needing more specific advice while adjusting or adding features. Instead of giving individual help, GoHighLevel tells developers to send in bug reports. This process lets the team check and fix any problems, but it may not be as quick or thorough as other platforms that provide live help. 

The bug report system helps fix issues on the platform, but not having clear help for troubleshooting might slow down progress for some users. Developers who need help with fixing problems might find this approach too restricted. The platform has strong tools for marketing and managing customers, but developers creating custom solutions might feel limited by the lack of direct help. So, knowing about these limits is important when figuring out if GoHighLevel is good for your development needs.

GoHighLevel Developer Community

GoHighLevel doesn’t have a developer community, but there is a lively Facebook group where users talk about the software, plugins, and API development. This is a useful place for people who want to add more features to the platform.

In this Facebook group, developers and users work together by asking questions, sharing projects, and solving problems with APIs. It’s a helpful tool for new and experienced users who want to improve GoHighLevel.

Although the platform doesn’t have a developer forum, the Facebook group provides a good place for discussions about software and development related to GoHighLevel.

Conclusion: GoHighLevel Developer

In short, GoHighLevel offers developers many tools, like detailed guides and a flexible marketplace, to improve how the platform works and connects with other services. The Unlimited Plan is important for using these features, letting developers change and connect systems however they want. 

Although the Unlimited Plan is expensive and needs direct support, GoHighLevel offers many helpful resources and community support, making it a strong option for improving digital marketing and customer relationship management.

FAQs- GoHighLevel Developer

What Are the Fees That Developers Charge For GoHighLevel?

Depending on their level of experience, the level of difficulty of the assignment, and the speed at which the customer wants it finished, GoHighLevel developers charge anything from ten dollars to one hundred fifty dollars per hour.

How Much Money Can Developers Working at GoHighLevel Make?

A GoHighLevel developer’s annual salary can range from $20,000 to $75,000, based on their expertise and years of experience.

Does GoHighLevel Developers Have a Community to Call Their Own?

Developers of software, plugins, and APIs are the primary topics of discussion in the GoHighLevel Facebook Group, which is currently active.